
So, get this...

Designing an RP system is a difficult process. You have to design it from the ground up and hope to heck you're not somehow ripping off another system. You have to come up with a way to track the physical attributes of a character, their skills, thoughts, belongings, and God knows what else depending on the system. Then you have to divine some sort of halfway decent fighting system, because if that is bunk, you've just lost out on a HUGE audience. Even the most angst-ridden, drama-dripping storywhore is going to eventually want to get those vampy claws in action. If the system turns out to be more complex and about as fun as a mathematical algorithm, you've gone too far. If it has so many rules and bonuses that figuring out how hard you hit takes over five minutes, you've gone too far. On the other side of the coin, if your system is literally the other side of the coin (i.e. - pure chance) then you haven't gone far enough. The system has to be smooth, easy-to-use, and, lets face it, pretty darn cool. Gamers like things like cinematics and movie stunts, so its cool to include them into game. But I digress.

I think what makes a system great is modularity, variability, and fluidity. I am surprised those are all actual words. So, what do I mean by this? Lets break it down.

  • Modularity - I think if a studio puts out a product, it should theoretically be universally playable across their line. Most companies do this, though I think White Wolf and Eden Studios did the best job. Technically d20 did this to the greatest extent, but those of you that know me know I don't particularly like that system. So, I think that if I am making a system, I want to use it for every line I release! Of course, certain modifications will have to be made due to the nature of the setting, but all in all it should be relatively easy to modify and convert.
  • Variability - Every gamer is different. Some may want gritty realism, others may want something more akin to a Hong Kong blood opera. Blood, guts, and adventure are different in everyone's eyes, either as desirable traits in a game or deterrents in playing. So my idea, my passion, is making a system that has variable settings for each aspect. You can make something realistic and gritty or fantastical and cinematic, any everything in between. If I allow a system to be variable like this, I'll be able to reach and hook more gamers than if I was on a deterministic system. If I can work in something that will have heavy rules all the way to light rules, I can get the combat monkeys and the rules lawyers as well as the dramadorks and storywhores. It MUST be done!
  • Fluidity - My biggest issue with d20 is the fact that it is so rigid. You pick a class, and though you can multiclass, you're pretty much stuck on a pretty predictable path. Levels are even more ridiculous, and totally destroy any sense of progression or realism for me. I prefer a nice point-buy, or even better, a skill progression device! Besides leveling and progression, a system should specifically flow. Rules should be light and the rules present should not stop the action. Any rules I add to be system will be there to enhance, not hinder, the story. That's probably going to be the biggest issue of them all.
Once a system is completed, it has to be tested. This is the same for any creation. Structures must be stresstested to make sure they can handle their task and any unforseen complications. Software must be debugged, literary works proofread. It's the same across the board. That's where playtesting comes along! However, game designers, especially soloists like me, don't always have a pool of playtesters chomping at the bit to try our their works. Most just want to game, not subscribe to the stop-n-go nature of these tests. That's why I've decided to create a pool of characters for testing my rules. By creating characters for these testing roles, I can give more personality, more oomf to my examples. It'll be more interesting and fun for me as well. So, in the next couple weeks, I'll probably post some character profiles up here for my various testing purposes. Hope you enjoy!


P.S. - Rosie has opened up commissions again! You should go and check out her information concerning them. I have a ton already on my wall and they are friggin' gorgeous. I'll post pictures when she gets in town...which will be in THIRTEEN DAYS!!! Amazing stuff, go check it out.


Projects in da mix

I am kinda in a creative mood right now, thinking of new story ideas and RP settings. The big project I have on my plate are my RP forums: Nightbreed and Seattle After Dark. The first one is done, but needs players to populate, while the second is still being implemented. The initial slog of designing an RP forum is always so tedious that sometimes it gets put on the backburner. It really takes the realization that the forum is not the project, the RPing afterward is! When all the players are weaving these wonderful, horrifying stories, that's when you really know your art is applied and enjoyed. It's slow work, but I really think I do a good job and it's very satisfying. If you get a chance, you should check them out. They require audition posts to join, but I am sure anyone reading my blog will be a topnotch writer.

The other project I am working on is kind of secret, it's under the project name of Verge. As a project, Verge is still in that young, energetic, and infinitely fertile stage. I have to be careful to not let it spin out of my control and try to put enough boundaries around it where it stays an actual project but still grows. It is all too easy to let a project stagnate and die, but just as easy to let it become infinitely mutable, just a daydream. Look out in the future for more posts of Verge as it starts to develop. If I say Verge is dead, don't worry. I always use the fertilizer of my past projects to help the new ones grow!

Baked with Lovecraft, the webcomic collaboration I am working on with the beautiful and talented Rosemary Grossblatt, has seen a lot of attention lately. The second story arch has been skeletized out, waiting for some flesh and blood to cling to that marrow-y frame. This weekend will mark the scripting and storyboarding of the first story arch! I will always keep readers abreast of that project as it is very near and very dear to me. In fact, I'll do some character writeups in here to give you guys an idea of whats on the plate for BwL.

Finally, I am working on some older projects, namely the derivatives of Iconoclast. The space opera and cyberpunk aspirations that came from my most complete setting will be getting a lot more attention as my schedule has evened out this semester. I am carrying notebooks with me to write down more notes. I am working the cartomancy of the ferromagnetic gypsies in my setting, namely designing the Tarot inspired cards for them. Everything else is still in the mad mix of my overexcited imagination. Yet again, expect more posts later concerning these two projects.

So, as you can see, my creativity is getting quite the workout, and I couldn't be more thankful. I honestly attribute it to my good friend Tracy and Rosie. They really engage me in being spontaneous, satirical, and all around productive in the realm of creative writing and worldbuilding. Thanks a bunch guys, I really appreciate. To everyone else, thanks for the read and I hope you stick around!



A new beginning...again

Live Journal, Myspace blog, Twitter, Facebook Notes...and now Blogger! It seems I am always starting up some new online writing project and quickly forgetting all about it. I don't actually hold all that much hope for this blog, but what the hay, it's free. The biggest reason for starting this up is to continue my reign as Rosie's biggest fanboy! But I figure that I can also post some stuff I am writing currently here, much like I did with my LJ writing blog, God is Not Mocked and Memento mori.

I am not going to provide a schedule of updates or plan anything specific here. If I feel I have something to write, I'll put it up, if I don't, I won't post. No skin off your nose, right? Right.
