
Projects ahoy!

I was working on a post for like two weeks, constantly saving it and coming back to it. It was something complaining about OOC vs. IC technical language for rulebooks. Blah blah blah. I lost interest in it about halfway through but felt some misbegotten need to follow through with it. I gotta get past that! My writing needs to be dynamic, flowing, and expressive, not stagnant or formulaic. That's why I don't have a posting schedule of this stupid blog. So, we move ahead to my next big idea/project/time-waster.

Graduation is looming upon the horizon, beautiful, majestic, terrifying, and inevitable. Sometimes I wonder what will happen after I graduate, where my career, my life, will take me. I worry about getting a job, starting a career, moving out, financial situations...blech! But then I also worry about getting buried in the mundane morass of professional life. I don't want to be a 9-5er for the rest of my life (not that there is anything wrong with that, it's just not for me). Accounting is such a weird career path for me, and my dreams in it are limited by licensing and lack of opportunities. But like I said, I can't just worry about that, I've got something entirely new to worry about.

What will happen to my writing when I am no longer in a scholastic setting. I wiled away my hours in class thinking up new settings, characters, stories, and plots. I'd sketch out storylines and doodle images that I wanted to translate into written word in my notebook margins. But if I am working, like really working, am I going to be able to muster the mental energy and creative intensity to actually produce anything? It's a scary, and sobering, thought that sometimes keeps me awake. So I decided that with the lack of homework, research projects, and assignments I am going to take a lesson from my mother.

My mom would always ask me when I got home from school if I had homework. If I said no, she'd say to make some up. It got to the point of where I'd just pretend like I had homework. Back then, I always thought she was being mean or just didn't know what to do with me. Now I understand it. An unoccupied mind is a mind wasted. You need to make up homework for yourself so you stay sharp, keep thinking, exercise your cognitive faculties lest you become a corporate zombie or vegged television-junky. This is the way I will avoid falling into torpidity once I am out of school. I will make my own writing assignments and keep to them...or at least try to.

Which brings me to the real purpose of this post. I am going to list a number of fandoms I have (fandoms being series and settings I am a fan of, and have a fairly extensive knowledge). My friends, or whoever reads this, will make a request for a story concerning this fandom. I will list subgenres as well so that I can exercise showing the differences in writing style I would apply to different aspects in the same setting. So 'ere we go!

~The Fandom Fic Fiasco~

The Rules:

  1. I will list all the fandoms I currently own up to and am willing to write about. Some fandoms will have further subfandoms if the suprafandom is quite large.
  2. You will pick a fandom/subfandom and request a short story from me.
  3. You can request specific events, a plotline, or even a character concept for the story.
  4. I will write the fic as fast as possible and post it here along with the specific request.
The Fandom List
  • Alien vs. Predator Universe
  1. Colonial Space Marines
  2. Xenomorphs
  3. Yautja
  • Babylon 5
  • Fallout
  • Farscape
  • H.P. Lovecraft
  • Mass Effect
  • Outlaw Star
  • Star Wars
  1. Clone Troopers
  2. Old Republic
  • Warhammer 40,000
  1. Adeptus Arbites
  2. Adeptus Sororitas
  3. Chaos (Space Marines, Lost and the Damned, Daemons, Cultists)
  4. Eldar
  5. Dark Eldar
  6. Imperial Guard
  7. Inquisition
  8. Necron (That'll be difficult!)
  9. Orks
  10. Rogue Trader
  11. Space Marines
  12. Tau (Including Kroot and Vespid)
  • White Wolf
  1. Demon: The Fallen
  2. Vampire: The Masquerade
  3. Werewolf: the Apoclypse
  4. Wraith: The Oblivion
The numerical sections posted under some of the fandoms are more specified subgenres that I enjoy within that series/work. Of course, you don't have to pick from these listings, and can throw a wrench at me, but I reserve the right to say "nuh uh" to any requests. You can also request a basic storyline, or plot, or characters. I only do original characters, though, so please do not ask for something like a story about a specific character from the series.

Looking forward to your requests,

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