Graduation is looming upon the horizon, beautiful, majestic, terrifying, and inevitable. Sometimes I wonder what will happen after I graduate, where my career, my life, will take me. I worry about getting a job, starting a career, moving out, financial situations...blech! But then I also worry about getting buried in the mundane morass of professional life. I don't want to be a 9-5er for the rest of my life (not that there is anything wrong with that, it's just not for me). Accounting is such a weird career path for me, and my dreams in it are limited by licensing and lack of opportunities. But like I said, I can't just worry about that, I've got something entirely new to worry about.
What will happen to my writing when I am no longer in a scholastic setting. I wiled away my hours in class thinking up new settings, characters, stories, and plots. I'd sketch out storylines and doodle images that I wanted to translate into written word in my notebook margins. But if I am working, like really working, am I going to be able to muster the mental energy and creative intensity to actually produce anything? It's a scary, and sobering, thought that sometimes keeps me awake. So I decided that with the lack of homework, research projects, and assignments I am going to take a lesson from my mother.
My mom would always ask me when I got home from school if I had homework. If I said no, she'd say to make some up. It got to the point of where I'd just pretend like I had homework. Back then, I always thought she was being mean or just didn't know what to do with me. Now I understand it. An unoccupied mind is a mind wasted. You need to make up homework for yourself so you stay sharp, keep thinking, exercise your cognitive faculties lest you become a corporate zombie or vegged television-junky. This is the way I will avoid falling into torpidity once I am out of school. I will make my own writing assignments and keep to them...or at least try to.
Which brings me to the real purpose of this post. I am going to list a number of fandoms I have (fandoms being series and settings I am a fan of, and have a fairly extensive knowledge). My friends, or whoever reads this, will make a request for a story concerning this fandom. I will list subgenres as well so that I can exercise showing the differences in writing style I would apply to different aspects in the same setting. So 'ere we go!
~The Fandom Fic Fiasco~
The Rules:
- I will list all the fandoms I currently own up to and am willing to write about. Some fandoms will have further subfandoms if the suprafandom is quite large.
- You will pick a fandom/subfandom and request a short story from me.
- You can request specific events, a plotline, or even a character concept for the story.
- I will write the fic as fast as possible and post it here along with the specific request.
- Alien vs. Predator Universe
- Colonial Space Marines
- Xenomorphs
- Yautja
- Babylon 5
- Fallout
- Farscape
- H.P. Lovecraft
- Mass Effect
- Outlaw Star
- Star Wars
- Clone Troopers
- Old Republic
- Warhammer 40,000
- Adeptus Arbites
- Adeptus Sororitas
- Chaos (Space Marines, Lost and the Damned, Daemons, Cultists)
- Eldar
- Dark Eldar
- Imperial Guard
- Inquisition
- Necron (That'll be difficult!)
- Orks
- Rogue Trader
- Space Marines
- Tau (Including Kroot and Vespid)
- White Wolf
- Demon: The Fallen
- Vampire: The Masquerade
- Werewolf: the Apoclypse
- Wraith: The Oblivion
Looking forward to your requests,
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