
A case of the crazy lazies

I don't even want to look at how long it's been since I've updated. So I won't...until later, I am sure. It has been an amazing month spent with Rosie, filled with nothing but joy, love, and fun! This isn't really an environment conducive to the lonely task of writing and creating, however. Not that I am complaining, not at all. I wish it could've been months, years, DECADES of time with Rosie, even if I never created again. I am just giving an excuse as to why I haven't really written anyway.

Seeing as I am probably one of the few (read: only) people who reads this blog, I just realized giving an excuse as to lack of productivity is bordering on the schizophrenic side. But that's how we roll in Ridley Island, so lets get down to the bizzy bones of this blog update.

I am currently working on a bunch of stuff for an upcoming 7th Sea Campaign for my new gaming group, which awesomely enough is composed of elements from my last three gaming groups! Got lots of ideas out on paper and docs, just need to bring them together and start divvying up episodes. I am expecting a long term campaign on this one! In fact, Rosie even made an AWESOME character for this game. I just need to have the players make their characters and make a few props (maps, mostly...wait and see, you'll LOVE it!)

As for my other projects, still a lot of stuff flying around up there. I really need to start packing a small notebook again, I am afraid I am losing my best ideas because I am not writing them down. But I should be up to posting character ideas later this week or maybe next month. Who knows!

For now,

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